№Health $Allian_CE https://www.nhsalliance.org/ Medicine in different countries Mon, 04 Mar 2024 10:21:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.2 https://www.nhsalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/favicon-120x120.png №Health $Allian_CE https://www.nhsalliance.org/ 32 32 Treating Problem Gambling as the Root Cause https://www.nhsalliance.org/treating-problem-gambling-as-the-root-cause/ https://www.nhsalliance.org/treating-problem-gambling-as-the-root-cause/#respond Fri, 01 Mar 2024 14:47:33 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5314 September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Unfortunately, preliminary data for 2022 showed the highest number of annual deaths due to suicide ever recorded. After adjusting for population growth and age, the suicide rate has risen a shocking 16% since 2011.FCCG raises awareness of the connection to gambling disorder, which has the highest suicide rate […]

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September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Unfortunately, preliminary data for 2022 showed the highest number of annual deaths due to suicide ever recorded. After adjusting for population growth and age, the suicide rate has risen a shocking 16% since 2011.
FCCG raises awareness of the connection to gambling disorder, which has the highest suicide rate of all addictions. Statistics show that one in five addicted gamblers attempts suicide.
After calling the 888-ADMIT-IT hotline, an addicted female slot machine gambler reported that she started gambling during the COVID-19 pandemic and knows several people in her community who have committed suicide as a result of slot machine disorder. gambling.
First, why are suicide rates rising across the country? Experts have yet to reach a definitive conclusion, but they noted the significance of mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing financial stressors (especially in light of rising inflation) and difficulties accessing needed mental health care. Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, FCCG has also highlighted its impact on problem gambling. as noted when contacting support.
Regardless of what aggregate statistics may show, suicide is primarily a personal issue, and help and hope are always nearby. Anyone in crisis can call the national helpline 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at any time of the day or night.
To achieve effective recovery from gambling addiction, it is critical to understand the psychology surrounding the gambling cycle of action. It is equally important to acquire skills that allow you to break the vicious circle and begin recovery. Think of it as a carousel and having to find a way to get off. How would you do it? Read on and we’ll explain how you can throw a disruption (a coping skill) into the cycle at any time to prevent it from continuing.

Crisis within a crisis: the problem of gambling as the root cause

If problem gambling is a factor, then the root cause of suicidal ideation is one’s own crisis, which requires urgent attention. If left unchecked, gambling addiction will again and again lead a person into crisis, be it suicidal or otherwise, as the pressure waxes and wanes. That’s why the 888-ADMIT-IT helpline provides dedicated support and resources to Floridians suffering from this hidden addiction, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Gambling addiction is unique in that it can quickly spiral out of control and cause serious problems in all areas of life, including financial, family, spiritual, career and emotional. Once a compulsive gambling addiction begins to take hold, the affected person may sometimes no longer recognize himself or herself, feel like his or her life is completely out of control, and come to the conclusion that there is no way out. The reality is that this could not be further from the truth: recovery from gambling disorder is possible and treatment is available. Every year, thousands of people find help and hope through 888-ADMIT-IT!
The FCCG Help Desk’s annual report showed increases across all mental health, emotional and domestic domains throughout the year, reflecting both the extent and severity of difficulties faced by problem gamblers. Anonymous data collected from 888-ADMIT-IT helpline contacts revealed higher rates of anxiety (62%), depression (63%) and neurological disorders (20%) compared to the previous year. (2) It should be noted that nearly a quarter (24%) reported suicidal ideation or attempts by the player, an increase of 50% from the previous year. In a study of mental health, emotional and everyday problems of both sexes, helpline workers this year reported higher levels of mental health and gambling-related emotional difficulties faced by female gamblers compared to male gamblers, such as anxiety and depression.
Did you know? All Florida 888-ADMIT-IT helpline technicians receive suicide prevention training both annually and before responding to their first calls to the helpline.
If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts due to gambling addiction, know that you are in professional hands when you call or text the helpline at 888-ADMIT-IT. Suicide is a permanent response to a temporary problem. There is always a way out of the hopelessness you or your loved one feels.

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Telemedicine: The Future of Health Consultation? https://www.nhsalliance.org/telemedicine-the-future-of-health-consultation/ Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:11:46 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5298 As we venture further into the 21st century, the manner in which we approach healthcare continues to evolve. One of the most transformative advances has been telemedicine, where medical consultations are facilitated remotely using technology. The question remains: Is telemedicine the future of health consultation? Understanding Telemedicine At its core, telemedicine refers to the practice […]

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As we venture further into the 21st century, the manner in which we approach healthcare continues to evolve. One of the most transformative advances has been telemedicine, where medical consultations are facilitated remotely using technology. The question remains: Is telemedicine the future of health consultation?

Understanding Telemedicine

At its core, telemedicine refers to the practice of delivering medical care remotely, usually through video conferencing. It provides an interface between patients and medical professionals, allowing for consultations, diagnosis, and sometimes even treatment without the necessity for an in-person visit.

The Benefits

Accessibility: Telemedicine breaks down geographical barriers. People in remote areas or those who cannot travel easily now have access to quality healthcare.

Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing the need for physical infrastructure and in-person visits, there are potential savings for both medical professionals and patients.

Flexibility: Appointments can be more easily scheduled and rescheduled. This convenience factor is beneficial for both healthcare providers and patients.

Safety: In times of health crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine offers a safer alternative to in-person visits, minimizing exposure risks.

Continuity of Care: For chronic patients or those in ongoing treatment, it provides a seamless continuity of care without the necessity for frequent hospital visits.

The Challenges

Quality of Care: Physical examinations can be limited over a video call. Some conditions require tactile feedback or direct observation.

Regulations: Licensing and treatment regulations may differ between regions, making it challenging to offer telemedicine services across borders.

Data Security: Patient data must be transmitted and stored securely to maintain privacy.

Personal Connection: The physical presence of a doctor can be reassuring for many patients. Telemedicine may lack this human touch.

The Future: Integration Rather than Replacement

While telemedicine offers numerous advantages, it might not entirely replace traditional healthcare. Instead, the future is likely to see an integrated approach.

Hybrid Models: Patients could have initial consultations remotely, and based on the diagnosis, be called in for an in-person follow-up if necessary.

Expansion of Services: As technology advances, we can anticipate more diagnostic tools available for home use, further enhancing telemedicine’s potential.

Education and Awareness: As more people become familiar with the concept and advantages of telemedicine, its adoption will likely increase.

Policy and Regulation: As telemedicine becomes more prevalent, regulations will adapt to ensure quality of care and patient safety.

Can telemedicine diagnose?

Telemedicine has the capability to diagnose a wide range of conditions, but its scope and accuracy depend on several factors. Here’s a breakdown:

Type of Condition

Simple Ailments: Conditions like the common cold, flu, allergies, urinary tract infections, and minor rashes can often be diagnosed via telemedicine with a fair degree of accuracy.

Chronic Disease Management: For patients with known chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or depression, telemedicine can be useful for regular monitoring and adjustment of medications.

Specialized Consultations: Dermatology and psychiatry are two fields where telemedicine has been particularly effective. Visual examinations of skin conditions and psychological consultations can often be conducted effectively remotely.

Diagnostic Tools

Patient History: Many diagnoses in medicine are made by taking a thorough history, which can be done effectively via a telemedical platform.

Remote Monitoring Tools: With the advent of connected devices, patients can transmit real-time data to physicians. Devices like digital stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, and pulse oximeters can provide valuable data remotely.

Images and Videos: For specialties like dermatology, high-quality images or video feeds can be sufficient for diagnosis.


Physical Examination: Many conditions require a hands-on physical examination to diagnose accurately. For instance, palpating an abdomen, listening to lungs in multiple positions, or examining the movement of a joint might be essential for certain diagnoses.

Laboratory Tests: Many conditions require blood tests, urine tests, or other laboratory studies that cannot be performed remotely.

Advanced Imaging: Conditions that might need an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, or other imaging modalities cannot be fully diagnosed via telemedicine without those images.

Misdiagnosis Risks

While misdiagnosis is a risk in all forms of medical practice, the absence of a physical examination in telemedicine might elevate this risk for certain conditions. It’s crucial for healthcare providers to recognize the limits of telemedicine and refer patients for in-person evaluations when needed.

Integration with Traditional Medicine

The best telemedicine platforms integrate with traditional healthcare systems. For example, if a telemedicine doctor deems it necessary for a patient to get a lab test or an in-person examination, they can refer the patient to a local facility or practitioner.


While telemedicine may not completely replace traditional healthcare, it undeniably forms an essential part of the future of health consultation. Its growth and establishment signify a step forward in making healthcare more accessible, flexible, and in tune with the digital age. As we navigate the challenges and integrate telemedicine seamlessly into our healthcare models, we’re looking at a promising future that prioritizes patient well-being and convenience.

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Wearable Health Tech: Monitoring Your Health on the Go https://www.nhsalliance.org/wearable-health-tech-monitoring-your-health-on-the-go/ Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:02:16 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5293 The 21st century has borne witness to the meteoric rise of wearable technology. As the world grows increasingly fast-paced, there’s a rising demand for real-time health monitoring systems that can be carried everywhere, rendering on-the-go health tracking not just convenient, but vital. Evolution of Wearable Health Tech Historical Context of Wearable Health Tech Wearable health […]

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The 21st century has borne witness to the meteoric rise of wearable technology. As the world grows increasingly fast-paced, there’s a rising demand for real-time health monitoring systems that can be carried everywhere, rendering on-the-go health tracking not just convenient, but vital.

Evolution of Wearable Health Tech

Historical Context of Wearable Health Tech

Wearable health tech, while a relatively new phenomenon in its current form, stands on the shoulders of several pioneering innovations in health monitoring from decades past.

Mechanical Pedometers of the 18th Century

The roots of health wearables can be traced back to the 18th century with the inception of mechanical pedometers. Inspired by the workings of a self-winding watch mechanism, these devices were designed to count steps, offering a rudimentary measure of physical activity. They were typically carried in the pocket and became popular among European aristocrats as a means to gauge walking distances.

The Advent of Electrocardiography (ECG)

In the early 20th century, Willem Einthoven’s introduction of the electrocardiograph marked a groundbreaking moment in stationary health monitoring. It allowed physicians to study the heart’s electrical activity, although it was bulky and far from the portable ECG monitors we recognize today.

Holter Monitors

Named after its inventor, Dr. Norman Holter, the Holter monitor in the 1940s was an early attempt at portable health monitoring. While sizable by today’s standards, this device allowed for the tracking of a patient’s heart rhythm over extended periods outside of a hospital setting.

Transitioning to Wearables

By the late 20th and early 21st century, advancements in electronics, miniaturization, and battery technology catalyzed the development of genuinely wearable health tech. The devices became smaller, more user-friendly, and integrated seamlessly into the daily lives of users. The marriage of technology with fashion saw a surge in aesthetic, functional designs that were both appealing and efficient.

By the way the best way to keep yourself healthy is to eat lots of plant-based foods. With indoor hydroponic systems, you can even grow plant food in your home.

Recent Advances

The fusion of Artificial Intelligence and data analytics has personalized health readings, tailoring them to individual needs. Furthermore, monumental improvements in battery life and device miniaturization have made constant monitoring both feasible and convenient.

Popular Types of Wearable Health Devices

Fitness Trackers

Devices like Fitbit and Xiaomi Mi Band dominate this category, offering functionalities like step counting, sleep tracking, and heart rate monitoring.


More than mere timekeepers, modern smartwatches such as the Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch provide metrics on ECG, SpO2, stress, and sleep, enhancing our health awareness manifold.

Specialized Wearables

From glucose monitors aiding diabetics to posture correctors and sleep apnea detectors, specialized wearables target specific health needs with precision.

Smart Clothing

Athletes and rehabilitation patients are now looking beyond conventional devices, towards apparel like smart shoes, shirts, and leggings, which come with integrated sensors.

Benefits of Wearable Health Tech

  1. Early Disease Detection. Wearables carry the promise of catching abnormalities well before they morph into critical conditions, making preventive care a reality.
  2. Fitness Motivation. With tools for goal setting, progress tracking, and community challenges, staying motivated on one’s fitness journey has never been easier.
  3. Remote Patient Monitoring. Patients can now share real-time data with healthcare providers, resulting in more tailored care, reduced hospital visits, and significant cost savings.
  4. Personal Health Insights. With the power to analyze one’s health data, wearables offer a deeper understanding of wellness, making health self-awareness accessible.

Concerns and Challenges

  • Data Privacy and Security
    The digitization of health data brings with it the looming shadows of misuse. It’s imperative for wearables to employ top-tier encryption methods and secure storage solutions.
  • Accuracy and Reliability
    With multiple devices offering varied readings, there’s a need for standardization, constant calibration, and validation to ensure the reliability of health metrics.
  • Over-reliance and Health Anxiety
    While wearables empower users with data, over-dependence could lead to undue health anxiety or hypochondria, potentially causing more harm than good.

The Future of Wearable Health Tech

  • Integration with AR and VR
    The marriage of AR and VR with wearables can open doors to applications in rehabilitation and more engaging, guided fitness routines.
  • Bio-Integrated Wearables
    The horizon promises devices that don’t just sit on the body, but integrate with it, offering an unprecedented level of health interaction.
  • Greater Predictive Capabilities
    Harnessing vast amounts of health data, future wearables could predict potential health concerns, making proactive care the norm.


While wearable health tech offers a galaxy of possibilities, it’s pivotal to strike a balance between technology and human intuition. Users should remain informed, discerning, and view wearables as enriching, complementary tools in their holistic health journey.

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Stress Management Techniques for a Healthier Mind and Body https://www.nhsalliance.org/stress-management-techniques-for-a-healthier-mind-and-body/ Tue, 05 Sep 2023 13:34:45 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5284 Stress has become an all-too-familiar companion in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Studies have shown that 77% of people regularly experience the symptoms of stress, some at higher levels than others. Whether it is due to the challenges and demands of our careers, family responsibilities, or relationship conflicts, we always have something […]

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Stress has become an all-too-familiar companion in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Studies have shown that 77% of people regularly experience the symptoms of stress, some at higher levels than others. Whether it is due to the challenges and demands of our careers, family responsibilities, or relationship conflicts, we always have something to get worked up about.

Stress is a natural response to challenges and threats; hence, it is impossible to avoid it altogether. However, it can have a far-reaching negative adverse effect on our mental, emotional, and physical health when excessive or chronic. Therefore, stress management is essential to stay in control for a healthier mind and body.

This article will explore practical management techniques to manage and relieve stress for better living.

Stress Management and Its Importance

Stress management refers to employing various strategies, techniques, and approaches to effectively cope with and reduce the adverse effects of stress. Constant and unmanaged stress can result in severe physical and psychological health issues. It plays a significant role in typical health problems, including the following:

  • Headaches
  • Sleeping issues
  • High blood pressure
  • Chest pain
  • Heart problems
  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Depression, etc.

Stress also destroys your equilibrium, affecting your thoughts, actions, ability, and overall functioning. In fact, according to WebMD, about 75-90% of all doctor visits are due to stress-related issues. The goal of stress management is to develop skills that help individuals handle the challenges and pressures of life in a healthier and more balanced way. These techniques are designed to mitigate stress’s physical, emotional, and psychological impacts, enhancing overall well-being and quality of life.

Identifying the Causes of Stress

Identifying the sources of stress in our lives is a crucial step in effective management. By recognizing and understanding the triggers of your anxieties and pressures, you can empower yourself to take a proactive approach in response.

Here are some of the common causes of stress.

  • Work-related stress: The most widespread cause of stress is work-related. This can result from working longer hours, a heavier workload, unrealistic employer expectations, conflict with co-workers or supervisors, and so much more.
  • Relationship: Problems with partners, family, friends, and other essential people can also be a significant source of stress. This can result from conflicts, disagreements, feeling unsupported, etc.
  • Financial pressure: Managing finances, debt, financial instability, and unexpected expenses can be a source of stress in our everyday lives.
  • Health: Personal health issues or those of our loved ones can trigger significant stress and emotional turmoil.
  • Major life transitions: Stress can also come from making major life-change decisions, like starting a new job, moving, marriage, getting married, having a baby, divorce, or losing a loved one.
  • Personal problems: Personal issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, and others also contribute to stress.
  • Environmental factors: The things happening around us, no matter how small they seem, can also significantly contribute to stress. For example, noise pollution, traffic congestion, crime, etc.

Techniques for Managing Stress

Mind-body techniques for balancing stress

One vital fact is that stress management is not a one-size-fits-all system. Your management routine will vary depending on the nature and frequency of the stressors you encounter. You have to find what works for you and stick with it. However, it’s beneficial to have a wide array of these techniques on hand should the need arise.

Now, let’s check out some proven management techniques you can try.

Regular Exercise

Physical exercise activity is a proven stress reliever. When you exercise, your body releases natural chemicals known as endorphins, the brain’s natural mood-enhancement and “feel-good” neurotransmitters. You don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy this benefit, as any exercise can help reduce stress and improve your fitness and overall well-being. So, you should pick some physical exercise activities and create time to do them for at least 30 minutes most days of the week, three to five at least.

Some of the types of exercise you can engage in include:

  • Jogging
  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Dancing
  • Strength training, etc.

Carve Out a “Me” Time

Another proven stress management technique is carving out a “me” time to enjoy your hobbies and interests. Many researches have shown that engaging in activities that please us can significantly reduce stress levels in our bodies and also help us handle life’s stressors.

So, don’t get too caught up in the busy schedule of your life, and find time to do something you enjoy regularly. It can be anything from reading to gardening, listening to music, going for walks, etc., as long as it brings you joy and pleasure.

Interestingly, some people enjoy exciting hobbies like online gambling to reduce stress. For instance, online casino games with no deposit do not need you to spend your money to play. You can enjoy these exciting titles via reputable gambling sites to cool off anytime you feel anxious or tense.

Get Enough Sleep

Poor sleeping habits can cause fatigue and irritability, which can cause your body to lack the capability to deal with stress as it should. So, you should make a regular bedtime schedule of sleeping seven to nine hours each night. Before bed, you should also minimise exposure to computers, TV, and cell phones and keep your bedroom dark and cool. Doing all these will put you in a tiptop state every day, which will also help you reduce stress and its effects and improve your productivity.

Eat Well

The benefits of eating well extend beyond nourishing your body. Eating well and healthily can also help you combat and reduce the effects of stress, boost your immune system, balance your mood, and reduce your blood pressure. You should note that while alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and other similar substances may temporarily relieve stress, they negatively impact our health and can increase stress in the long run.

So, you should avoid drinking, smoking, and unhealthy food. Instead, look for complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and fatty acids present in foods that tame stress.

Seek a Support System

Having a solid support system is another key to effective stress management. Very few things are as soothing as spending quality time with people that make us feel safe and understood. Direct human interaction releases hormones that help calm us down and release stress. A solid support system also comes with the benefit of improving your mental and emotional health and overall well-being.

So, make it a point to find a support system. It can be with your loved ones, friends, business associates, neighbours, a counsellor, or even shared activities.

Other Techniques

Aside from the above options, you can apply many other techniques to manage and relieve stress. Some of these are included in the table below.

TechniquesBrief Descriptions
Set boundariesSet limits and learn to say no to avoid taking on more than you can handle.
Practice meditationBreathing and meditation techniques can help you get more mental clarity, less anxiety, and general well-being.
TherapyTalking to a professional can also help relieve stress.
Take a vacationGetting away from everything for a while can help reset your stress tolerance.
Proper time managementLearn to prioritise tasks, don’t over-commit yourself, and delegate responsibilities when possible.


Stress will always remain an unavoidable part of life. However, finding ways to manage and relieve it for a healthier mind and body is essential. Remember, it is within your power to reclaim control over your well-being and safeguard yourself against the perils of chronic stress. Committing to the techniques discussed in this article from today will unlock a path to serenity, vitality, and a higher quality of life.

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Patient-Centered Care: The New Normal in 2023’s Healthcare Landscape https://www.nhsalliance.org/patient-centered-care-the-new-normal-in-2023s-healthcare-landscape/ Tue, 05 Sep 2023 09:13:14 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5279 In the ever-evolving world of medicine, one term has solidified its place at the forefront: Patient-Centered Care (PCC). If you’ve wondered what this means, how it’s affecting the healthcare industry, or if it holds any significance for you — you’re in the right place! Understanding Patient-Centered Care Patient-centered care is a healthcare approach that emphasizes […]

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In the ever-evolving world of medicine, one term has solidified its place at the forefront: Patient-Centered Care (PCC). If you’ve wondered what this means, how it’s affecting the healthcare industry, or if it holds any significance for you — you’re in the right place!

Understanding Patient-Centered Care

Patient-centered care is a healthcare approach that emphasizes partnerships between patients and their healthcare professionals. Rather than a top-down, doctor-knows-best model, PCC seeks to involve the patient in every aspect of their care. From diagnosis to treatment, the patient’s needs, preferences, and values drive the decision-making process.

Why is PCC the Future?

1. Empowered Patients

With the surge in digital health tools and platforms, patients are more informed than ever. They have access to countless resources and communities that provide insights, alternatives, and potential treatment options. Empowered by this knowledge, patients now expect — and deserve — to play a central role in their care.

2. Improved Outcomes

Studies have shown that when patients are involved in their care, they experience better outcomes. When people understand their health conditions and treatment options, they’re more likely to adhere to treatment plans and make healthier lifestyle choices.

3. The Shift Towards Holistic Health

PCC recognizes that health is not just the absence of disease. Mental health, emotional well-being, social factors, and even spiritual beliefs can play significant roles in overall health. By addressing these aspects holistically, healthcare professionals can provide more comprehensive and effective care.

The Role of Technology in PCC

The rise of telemedicine, wearable health tech, and AI-driven diagnostic tools propel PCC to new heights. Patients can now monitor their health metrics in real time, consult with doctors virtually, and even receive AI-powered health insights. These tools provide convenience but also empower patients to take an active role in their health.

Challenges to Overcome

While Patient-Centered Care promises numerous benefits, the transition has its challenges.

  • Training Healthcare Professionals: Shifting from a traditional model to PCC requires a change of mindset. Professionals must be trained to value and incorporate patient input at every stage.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: With increased digital integration, ensuring patient data security and privacy is paramount.
  • Systemic Changes: Existing healthcare systems, workflows, and infrastructures might need overhauls to fully integrate PCC principles.

Practical Steps to Embrace PCC

As we march forward with Patient-Centered Care, both healthcare providers and patients can take actionable steps to embrace this changing normal:

For Healthcare Providers:

  1. Active Listening: Ensure every patient feels heard. Actively engage in conversations, ask open-ended questions, and create a safe space for them to voice their concerns.
  2. Continuous Education: As the landscape of healthcare is continuously evolving, staying updated with the latest practices in PCC is essential. Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences that emphasize patient engagement and empowerment.
  3. Integrate Technology: If you haven’t already, now’s the time to embrace telehealth solutions, AI-driven tools, and other digital platforms that can amplify the PCC model.
  4. Feedback Loops: Regularly gather feedback from patients regarding their experience and make necessary improvements based on their insights.

For Patients:

  1. Stay Informed: With countless reliable online resources, educate yourself about your health conditions and potential treatments.
  2. Engage Actively: Don’t hesitate to ask questions, voice concerns, or discuss your preferences with your healthcare provider.
  3. Use Digital Tools: Wearable tech, health monitoring apps, and online consultation platforms can help you maintain an active role in your health journey.
  4. Join Communities: Being a part of patient communities can provide invaluable insights, support, and even recommendations based on real-life experiences.

The Bigger Picture

While Patient-Centered Care emphasizes individual involvement, it’s crucial to remember the broader community aspect. Collective patient voices can drive systemic changes, influence policies, and advance the healthcare industry.

Communities, both online and offline, play a pivotal role in amplifying PCC’s essence. From patient advocacy groups to online health forums, there’s a surge in platforms where patients can come together, share their stories, and push for improved healthcare experiences.

Final Thoughts

Patient-centered care is striking in its simplicity and profound impact. At its heart, PCC is about recognizing the individual behind the patient label. As we step further into 2023, it’s exciting to envision a healthcare world where everyone’s needs, values, and preferences are not just acknowledged but celebrated.

Your health journey is uniquely yours, and with PCC, you’re in the driver’s seat. Navigate with confidence, knowledge, and assurance that the healthcare world is evolving with you at its core.

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Why Modern Healthcare is Turning to Real Estate Innovations https://www.nhsalliance.org/why-modern-healthcare-is-turning-to-real-estate-innovations/ Tue, 05 Sep 2023 09:10:33 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5272 In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, two seemingly unrelated sectors find common ground: healthcare and real estate. But what is driving the healthcare industry to look toward real estate innovations? This unexpected marriage can be attributed to several key factors that are reshaping health and living spaces. 1. The Shift to Preventative Care We’re witnessing a […]

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In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, two seemingly unrelated sectors find common ground: healthcare and real estate. But what is driving the healthcare industry to look toward real estate innovations? This unexpected marriage can be attributed to several key factors that are reshaping health and living spaces.

1. The Shift to Preventative Care

We’re witnessing a shift in healthcare from reactive to preventative as we move into the 21st century. Potential health problems are nipped in the bud instead of waiting for them to manifest. Creating healthy environments is a key part of this strategy. The role of real estate here is crucial.

Modern real estate projects consider features like:

  • Air purification systems ensure cleaner air indoors.
  • Open spaces and gardens promote mental well-being and physical activity.

By living in spaces that are designed to keep us healthy, we can dramatically reduce the need for reactive healthcare measures.

2. The Rise of Telehealth

Telehealth has seen a meteoric rise in the past years. With more patients opting for remote consultations, there’s a growing need for homes and apartments to accommodate this shift.

Real estate innovations include:

  • Dedicated telehealth rooms are equipped with the right lighting, soundproofing, and tech infrastructure.
  • Smart home integrations that send health data directly to medical professionals.

Imagine a platform like HomesEh (https://www.homeseh.ca) that lists properties with health-centric amenities. Real estate recognizes the future of healthcare and innovates accordingly.

3. Senior Living Solutions

With an aging global population, there’s a pressing need to address seniors’ living conditions. Modern real estate explores:

  • Assisted living facilities that blend healthcare and housing.
  • Aging-in-place designs help seniors live independently longer.

Such initiatives ensure that seniors have comfort and access to healthcare without moving or compromising their lifestyles.

4. Urbanization and Mental Health

As urban areas become denser, more people are aware of the mental health challenges that come with city living. Real estate innovations try to mitigate these issues by:

  • Green spaces reduce stress.
  • Soundproofing homes to minimize noise pollution.
  • Designing layouts that enhance natural light and provide spaciousness.

By focusing on mental well-being, real estate developers actively participate in the broader healthcare conversation.

5. Sustainable Living and Holistic Health

Environmental concerns have led to sustainable real estate practices. Sustainability is not just about saving the planet; it has direct implications for our health too.

Green buildings, which utilize natural ventilation, reduce artificial lighting, and incorporate non-toxic materials, contribute to a healthier living environment. There’s less indoor air pollution, reduced mold growth, and fewer allergens — all of which lead to better respiratory and overall health for inhabitants.

6. Community-Centric Developments

Modern real estate developers emphasize community-centric designs. These involve creating spaces where residents can engage in social activities, group exercises, community farming, and more. Such interactions improve mental health, reducing loneliness and isolation. By fostering a sense of community, these designs contribute directly to residents’ mental well-being.

7. Integrating Health Facilities

More housing complexes and residential areas integrate health facilities into their design. Whether it’s a gym, a yoga studio, or even a full-fledged clinic or wellness center, having these facilities within walking distance can significantly enhance residents’ health. Regular exercise, wellness check-ups, and therapy sessions become more accessible, encouraging people to take charge of their health proactively.

8. Technological Integrations

Voice-activated assistants and automated lighting are no longer the only features of smart homes. A new wave of innovation in real estate is the integration of health-monitoring systems into homes. Imagine wearables that monitor air quality in real-time, alert your family about allergens, or monitor your vitals and contact medical professionals in an emergency.

Conclusion: A Synergized Future

Healthcare and real estate convergence is more than just a trend; it’s a glimpse into a future where our living spaces actively contribute to our well-being. It’s a holistic approach to living, where every aspect of our environment, from the air we breathe to the communities we engage with, plays a part in our health. Platforms and businesses that recognize and act on this synergy, like HomesEh, are not just shaping the future of their respective industries. They are also paving the way for a healthier, more integrated society.

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Heart Attack Prevention Techniques: Caring for Your Body and Mind https://www.nhsalliance.org/heart-attack-prevention-techniques-caring-for-your-body-and-mind/ https://www.nhsalliance.org/heart-attack-prevention-techniques-caring-for-your-body-and-mind/#respond Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:00:02 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5266 You’re likely familiar with the alarming rate of heart attacks. You may have even witnessed someone grappling with this issue or a related concern. How does it happen? What triggers it? And how can it lead to death? A heart attack, in medical terms, is called a myocardial infarction. In simple terms, it occurs when […]

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You’re likely familiar with the alarming rate of heart attacks. You may have even witnessed someone grappling with this issue or a related concern. How does it happen? What triggers it? And how can it lead to death? A heart attack, in medical terms, is called a myocardial infarction. In simple terms, it occurs when the flow of oxygenated blood to a part of the heart is blocked for one reason or another.

The real damage occurs when blood flow is not restored, and some heart muscles start dying, which can lead to fatality. Also, the condition is characterized by physical pain and discomforting sensations like squeezing, unusual pressure, and fullness in the heart region. On the other hand, a heart attack also shows subtle symptoms like dizziness and lightheadedness, to list a few. Now that we’ve established what a heart attack is, let’s get right into how you can prevent one without further ado.

Physical Measures

Specific physical guides and measures are the most reliable when it comes to preventing or avoiding the possibility of a heart attack. General heart illnesses are mainly attributed to physical abnormalities and dysfunctions. So, while your mental state can slowly induce or accelerate a heart attack, they are mostly encountered during physical exertions. In that light, the following point covers several physical measures and practices that are very important in preventing a heart attack:

  • Exercising
  • Dieting
  • Reducing or eliminating tobacco intake
  • Weight watching


Mind-body care for heart attack prevention

When preventing a possible heart attack, keeping your heart in good shape always does it. And while there are several other ways to ensure good cardio health, keeping fit stands out. Another question arises as to what specific exercises to try to keep your heart strong and healthy. And the answer is general aerobic workouts.

In simpler terms, it is advised to participate in exercises that engage large muscle groups in burning energy and oxygen. Think of it as putting your heart to good use so frequently that it gets used to functioning under healthy conditions.

Furthermore, the following are some of the best aerobic workouts you can adopt regularly to keep your heart in good shape:

  • Swimming
  • Skipping
  • Brisk walking
  • Jogging, etc.

Also, for duration, it is optimal to attempt these exercises for about 80 minutes every week, which is an average of 12 minutes every day.


Intentional and healthy diets also contribute a lot to cardiovascular well-being. Diets contribute to keeping your heart in shape by providing essential nutrients that reduce the risk of malfunctions. Foods like vegetables and fruits that contain good vitamins and minerals nourish the heart.

Also, you should strive to reduce your intake of added sugars and saturated fats, especially if you already have a history of heart attacks. That is because saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol levels, which can further harden your arteries and, as such, increase your chances of suffering a heart attack.

Reducing or Eliminating Tobacco Intake

Smoking in extraordinarily high proportions is a significant contributing factor to heart attacks. This is because tobacco raises blood pressure and causes atherosclerosis over time. Together, these conditions constitute an excellent risk of a heart attack at some point, especially if there’s already a history.

Also, smoking speeds up the clogging and eventual narrowing of coronary arteries, thereby reducing or cutting off blood flow to the heart. And when it comes to smoking as an addiction, it can get very tricky, as most addicted persons are not necessarily thinking about health consequences.

If that is your position, there are always addiction suppressants to turn to, whether physically, psychologically, or otherwise.

Weight Watching

Excessive weight is another significant factor in reducing the risks of an encounter with a heart attack. That is because overweight or obese people have an abnormal build-up of fatty materials in the arteries. These materials eventually block the arteries that carry oxygenated blood to the heart and could accelerate a heart attack. Also, obesity contributes to the chances of hyper blood pressure to the end of a heart attack.

So it is necessary always to ensure you stay in optimum shape and burn as much fat as possible regularly. Luckily, exercising regularly goes a long way in keeping you off excess fat. Excess weight does not cause a heart attack directly, but it facilitates reactions that can.

Mental Measures

As established earlier, myocardial infarction is mainly associated with physical dysfunctions. However, there are still a couple of psychological conditions that, over time, increase the likelihood of a heart attack. As such, it is only proper you consider them when looking to steer clear of any future situations. Hence, the following are some of the most pronounced psychological factors to control to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.

Manage Anxiety

This tip especially applies to individuals who have a history of the condition or have been warned of one. And since anxiety is common, it is mainly managed and not treated conclusively. Stress is hazardous when it persists over time, causing increased cardiac activity like heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

In addition, there are many ways to manage chronic anxiety, including medications, therapy, exercise, social interaction, etc. Some approaches above could prove very useful depending on how much pressure you need to eliminate.

Manage Stress

Keeping your stress levels in check is also essential since stress produces physical and psychological effects. One of chronic stress’s most notable physical repercussions is cardiovascular irregularities like high blood pressure. So, while there is no concrete evidence that stress can cause a heart attack directly, it promotes conditions that can.

Stress management differs with the individual, but you can employ regular activities like exercise, yoga, and some good rest to get you going at any time.

Eliminate Depression

You are probably wondering how curbing depression can help you reduce the risk of a future heart attack. And you might have even guessed right that the two have no direct relationship. However, it isn’t so much about what depression does that puts you at risk but what it prevents you from doing.

In essence, depression encourages actions and inactions that prevent most people from regularly engaging in other preventive measures. For example, exercising is essential in keeping a healthy heart, and for most people, depression dampens the will to work out at any time.

In addition, depressing states encourage harmful addictions like smoking, overfeeding, and alcohol, which isn’t good news if you’re trying to stay fit, sober, and healthy. Depression can be easy to deal with in many cases, but for chronic patients, you should consider therapy and more outdoor events.

Final Thoughts

Heart attacks are scary and are caused by several factors. The good news is that there are several mental and physical tricks to mitigate against it. The tips that have been shared in this piece are extraordinary preventive measures. However, it is recommended that you seek the help of your physician/health care provider if you are having a heart attack.

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Artificial intelligence in the modern US healthcare system https://www.nhsalliance.org/artificial-intelligence-in-the-modern-us-healthcare-system/ https://www.nhsalliance.org/artificial-intelligence-in-the-modern-us-healthcare-system/#respond Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:51:12 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5258 From day to day, more and more we hear about Artificial Intelligence and its implementation in different spheres, including healthcare. And many of us still don’t know what Artificial Intelligence is. This is why, before we dive into AI’s influence on the modern healthcare system, we will look into AI itself first. It is the […]

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From day to day, more and more we hear about Artificial Intelligence and its implementation in different spheres, including healthcare. And many of us still don’t know what Artificial Intelligence is. This is why, before we dive into AI’s influence on the modern healthcare system, we will look into AI itself first. It is the process of making machines, mainly computer systems, behave like humans. AI is used in expert systems, speech recognition, and machine vision. For writing and training machine learning algorithms, you need special hardware and software. Artificial intelligence systems make predictions by analyzing large amounts of data.

How can AI help the healthcare system?

The advancement of artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we diagnose, treat, and monitor patients. More accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments can be achieved with this technology. Medical professionals can use artificial intelligence to analyze vast amounts of clinical documentation, which helps them identify disease markers and trends that would otherwise be overlooked. AI can be used in a lot of different ways in healthcare, such as scanning radiological images to find problems early and making predictions from electronic health records. AI can help healthcare systems become smarter, faster, and more efficient in caring for millions of people around the world.

A common example of artificial intelligence and healthcare working together is the use of machine learning. Since the use of machine learning has enabled artificial intelligence to be used in medical diagnosis and treatment, the healthcare system has significantly altered. More accurately than ever before, machine learning algorithms are able to process large amounts of clinical documentation, identify patterns, and predict medical outcomes. Machine learning is a type of data science that helps healthcare professionals improve their treatments and cut costs by looking at patient records and medical images. By using AI technologies like machine learning to diagnose diseases or find and develop drugs, doctors can more accurately diagnose illnesses and prescribe treatments to each patient’s needs.

Administrative applications are another great opportunity to benefit from AI for the healthcare system. The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare is transforming many administrative aspects of medical care. Using artificial intelligence in healthcare can free up time for providers and healthcare organizations to focus on patient care and revenue cycle management by automating tasks like data entry, claims processing, and appointment scheduling. Artificial intelligence can also help reduce human error by making it easier to look at health records, medical images, claims to process, and test results. Medical professionals can give better patient care with artificial intelligence, giving them more control over their workflow process.

Artificial intelligence can be used to help identify patients with addictions, such as addiction to casino games and gambling. Online casino operators can use AI on the website and identify potentially addictive gamers.

The difficulties of using Artificial Intelligence in healthcare

One of the main obstacles to using artificial intelligence in healthcare is the patients. For example, some of the latest surveys from the Pew Research Center about how Americans feel about AI in health and medicine show that Americans are very uncomfortable with the idea of AI being used in their health care. Six out of ten Americans say they would feel uncomfortable if their healthcare provider relied on artificial intelligence to do things like diagnose diseases and recommend treatments. Fewer people (39%) say they would feel comfortable with this. Most of the public is not convinced that artificial intelligence would improve health outcomes. The American people believe that artificial intelligence will have both positive and negative effects on health and medicine.

A larger share of Americans believes that the use of artificial intelligence in health and medicine would reduce rather than increase the number of mistakes made by healthcare providers. Furthermore, a much larger share of Americans who see a problem with racial and ethnic bias in health care say that the problem of bias and unfair treatment would get better (51%) than worse (15%) if AI was used.


The use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare would definitely improve and help the system. Thanks to machine learning, we can get a more accurate diagnosis because algorithms can process large amounts of clinical documentation, identify patterns, and make predictions about medical outcomes. Administrative applications can help the medical professionals give better patient care because they will have more spare time. Still, to effectively use AI in the healthcare system, AI has to earn the trust of both medical professionals and patients.

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The Importance of Rest for your Health: Why Taking Breaks is Essential https://www.nhsalliance.org/the-importance-of-rest-for-your-health-why-taking-breaks-is-essential/ https://www.nhsalliance.org/the-importance-of-rest-for-your-health-why-taking-breaks-is-essential/#respond Fri, 17 Mar 2023 15:33:26 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5248 In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to push ourselves beyond our limits and work long hours without taking proper breaks. However, research shows that taking time to rest and rejuvenate is crucial for our health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore why rest is so important, the benefits it can bring, and how online […]

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In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to push ourselves beyond our limits and work long hours without taking proper breaks. However, research shows that taking time to rest and rejuvenate is crucial for our health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore why rest is so important, the benefits it can bring, and how online casino games can be an excellent way to relax and unwind.

The Importance of Rest

Rest is essential for our overall health and wellbeing. It allows us to recharge, rejuvenate, and stay focused, which can have numerous benefits for our physical and mental health. When we take breaks, our bodies and minds have the chance to repair and recover from the stress and strain of daily life.

Research has shown that rest can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, improve memory and concentration, boost the immune system, and enhance creativity. It can also reduce the risk of burnout and lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity.

However, despite the many benefits of rest, it can be challenging to prioritize it in our busy lives. Many people feel guilty for taking breaks, or they believe that they don’t have time to rest. Others may struggle with feelings of boredom or restlessness when they do try to relax.

How Online Casino Games Can Help You Relax and Unwind

One way to make rest more enjoyable is by playing online casino games. These games offer a fun and engaging way to take a break from the stresses of daily life and unwind. They’re also a great way to connect with others and socialize, which can be beneficial for our mental health.

Online casino games come in many different forms, from classic slots and table games to modern video slots and live dealer games. They offer a range of features, such as bonus rounds, free spins, and progressive jackpots, which can keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end.

What’s more, many online casinos offer generous bonuses and promotions that can help players extend their playtime and increase their chances of winning big. These bonuses can include free spins, match deposit bonuses, and no deposit bonuses, among others.

While online casino games can be a fun way to relax and unwind, it’s important to remember that they should be enjoyed responsibly. Players should always set a budget for their gaming activities and stick to it, and they should never gamble more than they can afford to lose. Additionally, online casino games are only suitable for adults aged 18 and over.

The benefits of recreation for health

Physical Health

Recreation is an excellent way to improve physical health. Regular physical activity such as hiking, swimming, cycling, and playing sports, helps to strengthen muscles, improve endurance, and enhance cardiovascular health. These activities also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. When people engage in recreational activities, they burn calories which helps in weight management. Physical activity boosts the immune system, reduces the risk of cancer, and promotes restful sleep.

Mental Health

Recreational activities have a substantial impact on mental health. They provide an opportunity for individuals to relax and recharge, reducing the risk of stress and anxiety. Participating in leisure activities such as online casino games can be a perfect way to unwind after a long day at work. Online casino games provide a safe environment where people can have fun without leaving the comfort of their homes. In addition, socializing with friends and family during recreational activities provides a sense of belonging, reduces loneliness and enhances self-esteem.

Emotional Health

Recreation is essential for emotional wellbeing. It provides individuals with opportunities to explore their creativity, manage emotions, and express themselves freely. Engaging in creative activities such as painting, writing, and playing music can help alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Regular participation in recreational activities such as online casino games has been found to enhance cognitive skills such as decision making, problem-solving, and memory retention. Online casino games require players to use critical thinking and analytical skills to make informed decisions and increase chances of winning.


In conclusion, recreation is essential for overall health and wellbeing. Taking breaks can reduce stress, improve productivity, and enhance our physical and mental health. While it can be challenging to prioritize rest in our busy lives, finding enjoyable ways to relax and unwind, such as playing online casino games, can make it easier to take the time we need to recharge and rejuvenate. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed, why not take a break and enjoy some exciting online casino games? Your body and mind will thank you for it. Engaging in recreational activities promotes physical, emotional, and mental health. Online casino games are an excellent form of recreation that offer several advantages over traditional casinos. They provide a convenient and safe environment where players can indulge in their favorite games from anywhere. However, it is essential to recognize that excessive gambling can lead to addiction, financial strain, and mental health problems. Therefore, players need to approach online casino gaming responsibly, set limits, and practice good money management skills.

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Surprising Health Benefits Of Gambling That You Did Not Know https://www.nhsalliance.org/surprising-health-benefits-of-gambling-that-you-did-not-know/ https://www.nhsalliance.org/surprising-health-benefits-of-gambling-that-you-did-not-know/#respond Wed, 04 Jan 2023 08:51:36 +0000 https://www.nhsalliance.org/?p=5230 Many people have never thought gambling and health benefits could appear together in a statement. When one pictures a gambler, the image of an addict or a homeless person who has no job or source of income and is looking for a quick way out of their current situation is usually the first thing to […]

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Many people have never thought gambling and health benefits could appear together in a statement. When one pictures a gambler, the image of an addict or a homeless person who has no job or source of income and is looking for a quick way out of their current situation is usually the first thing to pop up.

Gambling-code experts have analyzed this pictorial representation attached to punters. They have explained that this orientation is because of societal stereotypes that have already been linked to gambling. A reorientation is necessary as these experts have noted that bettors can also derive several health benefits from it, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

What benefits can gambling possibly have to one’s health? We explained a few in this piece.

  1. Emotional Health Benefits of Gambling

Many people play games when bored or need to escape an unavoidable reality. Though casino gaming requires brainpower and comes with a lot of pressure, it still provides an environment and situations where punters can relax and think clearly, a benefit which can help these punters think very clearly and fast when faced with real-life pressures. 

Gambling has to do with money; regardless of how high or low a bettor has staked, no gambler likes to lose money. Hence, it is easy to imagine how pressured and stressed a bettor usually is when playing these games, as every wrong decision can lead to a loss of money. Facing situations like this continually will eventually increase the bettor’s stress resistance. 

In addition, several studies have proven that engaging in gambling activities, like on site, can help improve mood and lead to happiness.

  1. Mental Health Benefits of Gambling

Gambling has tons of psychological benefits. For one, the maximum concentration is required when gaming and engaging in it frequently can help improve concentration and focus. It can also help you make better decisions in a short period and help you maintain logic under pressure. 

Regular bettors, when observed, were noted to be more relaxed and observant people who have their thoughts composed better than most average people. 

  1. Social Health Benefits of Gambling

A casino, like https://gambling-code.cz/casino/tipsport, has always been a very entertaining location. For centuries, spectators who do not actively play casino games have always loved to visit traditional casinos because of the social benefits they can get. For one, casinos are known to be some of the best entertainment spots in the world, as they feature great music and food. In addition, people of different classes can be found at the casino, and meeting people you can instantly connect with is effortless. Just watching gamblers play their favorite games sometimes and feeling their excitement and the mood in the casino is enough to have maximum fun at times. 

In online casinos today, there are dozens of ways bettors can socialize and even create communities of like-minded people from all over the world. 

  1. Physical Health Benefits of Gambling

A casino is where you are always expected to be on alert. A quick second of unmindfulness can change the direction of your game for the entire night, even if you have been maintaining a winning streak for a while. Casino games also require you to make quick decisions that will determine your results. 

To cope with the actions and energy needed at the casino, your body produces several hormones to help you accommodate this requirement. As a regular gambler, your central nervous system becomes accustomed to these and similar situations that you can face daily. Hence, you are more fit and capable of battling whatever comes your way. Punters have testified to how their online gaming activity has prepared them for real-life situations that they never thought they would have been able to handle. 


Gambling itself is not a vice. It is as good as playing your favorite sport or watching a movie to relax. However, when it starts to become a vice is when you are unable to adhere to the rules of responsible gambling and become addicted to it. No addiction is good for you; that is why we all need to learn to do things moderately. Regardless, gambling can benefit you in all areas of your life if you stick to the rules and do it right. 

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