5 countries with the world’s best medicine

So what countries are really the best among the best in terms of medicine? Let’s share the rating. The following were taken into consideration: life expectancy, cost of treatment, combination of excellent private and public medical services, etc.


You must have heard about this country. Many high ranking people fly here for treatment. It is here where the level of education of doctors is really at a decent level. German hospitals have contracts with insurance companies and in addition receive investment income from the state.


Which is also not surprising. Here everything is at the highest level: from doctors to technology. The healthcare system is regulated by the state.


The healthcare system in this country is based on universal health insurance. And also residents are increasingly getting private insurance when they get a job.

By the way, people with low wages and those who have no place to live are exempt from nursing fees and are treated with subsidies from the government.


Whether you go to a private clinic or a government clinic, everywhere you get the best possible care. Great! In principle, this makes sense, given the success of this country in many ways.


Of course. The level of technology here, the qualifications of doctors, the organization of the health care system itself, is an example for many countries. It has one of the highest rates of efficiency and spending on medicine in the world, and clinics are best equipped and have no waiting lists.


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